• 0164-2751025,9417831987

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Our LocationVillage- Poohli Road, Nathana ,Bathinda

School Rule


Red Card:
Issued in case of Level 1 offence. It will be valid for three months. To be issued by house Incharges / Coordinators / Teachers.

Green Card :
Issued in case of Level 3 offence or two red cards in an academic year. Expulsion from the school. To be issued by Principal

Yellow Card :
Issued in case of Level 2 offence or three yellow cards. It will be valid for one year. Suspension for two days to be issued by principal

Vivekites see themselves as :

  1. Hardworking, setting high goals and standards
  2. Academically confident.
  3. Persistent in their efforts to reach their personal goals.
  4. Socially co-operative.
  5. Able to accept and meet personal responsibilities.


  • 01 Student must carry his / her almanac to school daily. All iden ty informa on should be complete and duly signed by parents.
  • 02 The students should come to school on me. Late comers should report to the PTI on arrival.
  • 03 The school does not hold itself any responsibility for injuries sustained by the pupil while in the school. However, First Aid will be rendered immediately without delay.
  • 04The students should be proud of their school. They should be dy and neatly dressed, Boys should get their hair cut at regular intervals.
  • 05 A endance in the morning assembly is compulsory. Exemp on from assembly will be granted on medical grounds only.
  • 06 The students are not permi ed to bring objec onable books, magazine, radio, video game, mobile phones, pager, fancy or expensive geometry box and other electronic gadgets in school. Expensive watches, ornaments/valuables or jewellery will not be entertained at any cost.
  • 07 Irregular a endance, neglect of homework, insubordina on with teachers, willful disobedience or behavior not in tune with the general discipline of the school, will be dealt seriously.
  • 08 Smoking in any form or gambling is totally prohibited.
  • 09 Business transac on in the school is not permied.
  • 10 The principle reserves the right to suspend/rus cate / dismiss or take disciplinary ac on against a student who violates the school rules/indulges in any form of indiscipline or whose conduct is harmful to other students and whose progress in studies is unsasfactory
  • 11 Reward and punishment: Reward : In order to ensure value educa on, students are recognized and appreciated by ge ng cer ficates and posi ve a tude. Punishment: Warning cards will be awarded for serious offences.
  • 12 No student will leave the school premises during school hours (including the recess)without the permission of the Principle.
  • 13 Usage of school property must be done with care. No student should spoil the desks, chairs or any other furniture, write or draw on the walls or damage any other things and belongings of other students. Any damage done to the school property is to be paid by the student who does it
  • 14All should take pride in keeping the school clean. Waste paper or other rubbish is to be thrown in the basket or bins provided for.
  • 15 Students are themselves responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings.
  • 16 To issue any kind of document from school submits the applica on in school office or at the recep on priory and give three days me to school to issue the same in order.
  • 17 Parents and pupils are forbidden to gi teachers/birthday par es gi s of any kind cannot be disturbed in the school premises. A flower or a sweet as a token of gi may be allowed.
  • 18 Any pupil desiring to be exempted from PT or games must submit a Doctor's cer ficate to the effect that he / she is physically unfit to take part therein.
  • 19 A progress report card showing the conduct and applica on of pupil and the result of the examina on is issued a er each examina on. In the interest of their children, parents are expected to pay careful a en on to these reports and they duly sign them.
  • 20 Staying away from mandatory school func ons including annual day and sports day without prior permission and jus fica on will be considered a discipline default.
  • 21 The school management is competent authority to add, alter and frame new rules and regula ons with retrospec ve effect. The ac on / decision of the School Management is final and non jus fiable.